Kasich’s Campaign Is Costing Ohio Taxpayers
April 24, 2016
Gov. John Kasich has spent more than 177 days out of state — that’s a figure from last month, it’s certainly gone up since then — and he’s spent more than $350,000 of Ohioans’ tax dollars on security for out-of-state travel to bolster his failing presidential run.
Kathleen Clyde: Switch to online voter registration now
April 12, 2016

Read State Representative Kathleen Clyde’s (D-75th District/Kent) op ed that ran in the Akron Beacon Journal over the weekend with her closing argument for why Ohio’s Secretary of State Jon Husted should stop waiting around for the legislature and just switch on online voter registration in Ohio NOW. That way we’ll have plenty of time for easier registration before the November general election. Please share this op ed with your social networks by using the hashtag #SwitchItOnJohn.
Democratic Response to State of the State 2016
April 7, 2016
Message from Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper
March 21, 2016
Are you still interested in attending the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia July 24-29, 2016? There are several At-large and Pledged Leader/Elected Official (PLEO) delegate appointments to be made yet.