Ohio Supreme Court rejects state Senate and House maps…again
February 7, 2022

The Ohio Supreme Court has rejected the GOP-majority Ohio Redistricting Commission state Senate and House maps…for the second time! And once again, the ruling was 4-3 with Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor (R) siding with the three Democratic justices. The majority wrote: “We made clear that we were invalidating the original plan, in its entirety, under Section 9(B). Yet the commission did not adopt an entirely new plan.”
Ohio Supreme Court rejects Congressional district map; remands map to be redrawn
January 17, 2022

In another 4-3 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court rejected the congressional district map by returning it to the Ohio General Assembly, where Republicans hold supermajorities in both chambers, and then to the Ohio Redistricting Commission. The two bodies have a combined 60 days to draw new lines that comply with a 2018 constitutional amendment voted overwhelmingly by Ohioans against gerrymandering. Another victory for all Ohioans and voter rights advocates!
Ohio Supreme Court rejects GOP Ohio House and Senate maps
January 12, 2022
American Families Plan – 3rd phase of ‘Build Back Better’ agenda
November 20, 2021

Right now, too many Americans are struggling to meet basic needs and cover basic expenses. An economy that fails so many of us is not only unfair, it’s unsustainable. The American Families Plan is a once-in-a-generation investment in the foundations of middle-class prosperity – education, health care and child care. It recognizes that policies to make life easier for American families must focus on bringing everyone along: inclusive of gender, race, or place of residence – urban, suburban, or rural. Beyond helping American families meet the needs of today, this plan powers the innovation and growth of tomorrow.