Standard & Poor’s: “We view Cuyahoga County’s management conditions as very strong with strong financial practices. The county produces quarterly reports which include budget-to-actual results, investment portfolio performance, and updated three-year financial projections shared with the board. Its biennial budget also includes a five-year capital improvement plan and debt policy. The county recently codified reserve policy which set a minimum unreserved fund balance at 20%-25% of expenditures on a budgetary basis.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer: “In downgrading the county from “AA+” to “AA,” the agency praised the county administration’s fiscal management, but cited concerns about the county’s economic decline tied to its population loss.. Moody’s, a different bond credit rating agency, recently upheld the county’s credit rating following its own review of the county’s financial conditions.”
Moody’s Credit Rating Report: “The county maintains a variety of strong credit characteristics, including currently sound reserves, as well as strong and proactive fiscal and operational management. If the county’s ongoing economic development efforts were to translate to a healthier economy, as demonstrated by recovery in taxable valuations, improved employment profile, and improved socioeconomic indicators, those improved metrics could factor favorably into the county’s overall credit profile over the long-term.”