First Presidential Debate to be held in Cleveland! Tuesday, 9.29.2020
September 15, 2020

On Tuesday, August 11, 2020, Presumptive Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden announced his running mate – Senator Kamala Harris! Vice President Biden’s choice for his Vice President is an historic moment for our Nation! Here are a few things to know about the next Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.
To vote in the November General Election, registered voters MUST submit an Absentee Ballot Application to vote by mail. If you would like to participate in the November 3rd General Election, BE PREPARED! Request your Absentee Ballot By Mail Application NOW! Don’t wait! Your ballot will then be mailed to you on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 – the first day Early/Absentee Voting begins – for the November 3, 2020, General Election.
Stay Home! Still Vote! Ohioans who have already cast primary ballots based on the March 17th original Primary Election date will have their ballots counted for the EXTENDED Primary Election date of Tuesday, April 28, 2020. Those registered voters who have not voted yet will now have most of the month of April to cast absentee ballots by mail. To vote in the Primary Election, voters MUST submit an Absentee Ballot Application to vote by mail. If you would like to participate in the Primary Election, you MUST vote by mail.
Why and How did Ohio’s March 17, 2020 Primary Election get so confusing and frustrating? Not only for the election officials scheduled to work the polls on Tuesday, but also for all of Ohio’s voters. One elected official and one candidate started the ball rolling Monday afternoon with everything snowballing from there. Check out the history of Ohio’s 2020 Primary.