At the Franklin County Republicans’ Dinner tonight, Governor Kasich should avoid repeating a few of the lines from his latest campaign ad if he doesn’t want to get fact checked in the capital.
In his latest ad, the Governor stated that “economic growth and prosperity shouldn’t be limited to a few,” but Kasich’s cuts to education and local government to fund tax breaks for the wealthy have caused taxes to go up for middle class families, pushed educators out of jobs, and reduced services for seniors and early childhood education.
FACT: In Order to Fund Tax Cuts for the Wealthy, Kasich Cut Tens of Millions from Franklin County’s Local Government and Education Funds, Which Led to Levies and Tax Hikes on the Middle Class [Progress Ohio, 2013]
Gahanna Voters Faced With First Income Tax Increase Since 1976: “Gahanna hasn’t had an income-tax increase since 1976…But council members who supported sending the issue back to voters said they didn’t see much choice. Last month, city Finance Director Jennifer Teal told the board that future budget gaps are expected to be so wide — as much as $12.8 million in 2014 and $8 million in 2015 — that the city could have to shut down its senior center and swimming pools and eliminate nearly 100 part-time and seasonal jobs. [Columbus Dispatch, 7/16/2013]
Franklin County Forced to Consider Sales Tax Increase: “Over the next few weeks, the three commissioners plan to convene an advisory panel of local community leaders and financial experts to examine the county’s finances and recommend ways to stave off deeper cuts in county-delivered services…When asked if raising the sales-tax rate will be part of the discussion, Brooks said the tax is the largest source of revenue allotted to county governments by state law and will have to be considered.” [Columbus Dispatch,1/21/2013]
FACT: When the Local Levies to Make Up for State Cuts Failed, Kasich’s Cuts Caused Lay-Offs & Dramatic Cuts to Social Services
Dispatch Headline: Senior Centers Struggle for Funding As Use Grows: “Like other senior centers across Ohio, Reynoldsburg’s faces the risk that funding soon might dry up, at a time when there are more older adults than ever, demand for services is quickly rising and many communities are dealing with shrinking budgets.” [Dispatch, 1/16/2012]
Franklin County Cut Youth Services & Early Childhood Education Due to State Cuts: “The county’s Job and Family Services agency has pulled back on some services. Director Anthony Trotman said its core mission of providing food assistance, cash and medical services is intact, but the agency has cut employment training, youth services, early childhood readiness and education.” [Columbus Dispatch,1/21/2013]
Groveport Madison Forced to Cut 24 Jobs, Special Education, Language Class, & Transportation:“Groveport Madison students will have to find their own way to high school and pay more to participate in athletics and other extracurricular programs starting next school year. The district’s school board also agreed last night to cut French from the high-school’s foreign-language program and eliminate 24 jobs — including seven special-education positions.” [Columbus Dispatch, 2/10/2012]
Upper Arlington School District Lays Off 52 Positions & Raises Athletic Fees: “The cuts include 32 of the 497 members of the teachers union in the district, plus 20 other district employees. The plan also raises athletic fees from $85 to $100 at the high school and from $42.50 to $50 at middle schools.” [Columbus Dispatch, 2/20/2013]
Dublin Lays Off 16 Teachers Due to Failed Levy: “Dublin City Schools laid off 16 teachers and abolished 46.5 teaching positions in its final round of cuts. The district has been working to cut $7.1 million from its budget over the next two years since voters rejected a joint $25-million bond issue and 7.2-mill operating levy in the fall.” [This Week, 3/28/2012]