In large part due to significant public pushback, the Ohio House failed to override Governor Kasich’s veto of their Medicaid Expansion freeze. This is great news for Ohio, as estimates had the freeze causing 500,000 Ohioans to lose coverage. However, this issue is not settled, as Speaker Rosenberger has stated that the chamber may revisit overriding the veto in the near future – or by the end of December 2017 when this session ends.
Here are Some Highlights of the 11 Vetoed Provisions the House Voted to Override:
Two very significant provisions were 36 and 37.
Item number 36 dealt with the “Healthy Ohio Program” this program would require Medicaid recipients to pay a monthly premium or lose coverage.
Item number 37 transferred the appointment authority for members of the Ohio Oil and Gas Leasing Commission from the Governor to the General Assembly. By overriding the veto of this provision, this sets up the possibility that appointments by the GA to this board may authorize fracking on public lands.